Téléthon Opération Enfant Soleil 2023

The 2023 Operation Enfant Soleil Telethon

For more than 15 years now, the family has been a value at the heart of the Flordeco banner. Many of our stores are family stores taken over from generation to generation. Partnering with Operation Enfant Soleil for a second year was a natural fit! Always wanting to be fully involved to help provide better support to the children and families of the foundation, Flordeco raised, for a second year in a row, the sum of $150,000. Private auction, 50/50, sale of the Passeport de rêve tickets and more, for Flordeco all ideas are good to obtain donations for a cause that is close to our hearts. Many thanks to all our Flordeco stores, affiliate members, suppliers, and customers without whom this amount could not have been raised, we are verry happy to count you among our donors and we are already ready for next year!

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