Product type
Wood type
Beaufort - Cuisine Windsor Gris / Kitchen
Atmosphère Collection
4.19$ /ft²
Beaufort - Windsor Gris
Beaufort - Windsor Taupe
Bahia - Salle de bain Astrid Oyster / Bathroom
Atmosphère Collection
4.19$ /ft²
Bahia - Astrid Oyster
Bahia - Moonwood Burlap
Bahia - Moonwood Cloud
Chambre Adriatic / Adriatic Bedroom
Altitude Collection
Genesis ii
3.69$ /ft²
Adriatic / Adriatic
Salon Chêne Rupert / Rupert Oak Living room
Urbania Collection
Brompton 7.3" x 54"
3.69$ /ft²
Chêne Rupert / Rupert Oak
Chêne Gaspar / Gaspar Oak
Chêne Yamaska / Yamaska Oak
On sale
Bureau Chêne bois cendré / Ash wood oak Office
Urbania Collection
Bolton 7.5" x 50"
2.46$ /ft²
2.89$   /ft²
Chêne bois cendé / Ash wood oak
Chêne Nouvelle-Angleterre / New England Oak
Chêne Tabac / Tobacco Oak
Salon Chêne tendance nature / Oak tendance nature living room
Urbania Collection
Berkeley 7.6" x 54"
2.19$ /ft²
Chêne tendance nature / Oak tendance nature
Chêne tendance gris / Oak tendance grey
Siècle gris / Grey century
Brazi Cuisine Barbarossa Xtra / Brazi Kitchen Barbarossa Xtra
Urbania Collection
Brazi 7.6" x 54.45"
3.59$ /ft²
Aurelian Xtra
Attila Xtra
Ferdinand Xtra
Plancher Chêne Naturel / Chêne Naturel Floor
Urbania Collection
Arbori 3.93'' x 47.83''
2.89$ /ft²
Chêne Naturel
Érable Sierra
Chêne Rouge
Cork Inspire - Salle de bain Fashionable Grafite / Bathroom
Amorim Collection
Cork inspire 7" 1/2 x 48"
7.99$ /ft²
Cork Inspire - Identity Moonlight
Cork Inspire - Identity Chesnut
Cork Inspire - Traces Tea
Totem - Salon 2001 / 2001 Living room
Altitude Collection
4.49$ /ft²
Totem - 1001
Totem - 1002
Totem - 1003
On sale
Air Advantage Cuisine Horizon / Air Advantage Kitchen Horizon
Concorde Collection
Air advantage
4.84$ /ft²
5.69$   /ft²
Air Advantage - Swing Set
Air Advantage - Catching Fireflies
Air Advantage - First Snowfall
On sale
Air Evo Salle à manger Calm / Air Evo Dining room Calm
Concorde Collection
Air evo
4.33$ /ft²
5.09$   /ft²
Air Evo - Barn Owl
Air Evo - Calm
Air Evo - Cloud Cover

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