Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de changer de couvre-plancher

What you need to know before changing your floor covering

It is always difficult to predict everything when starting a renovation project. Between the excitement, the stress and the impatience of finishing the work, we sometimes forget steps that are crucial for preparation.

Still, there are important elements that must be verified before you start your floor renovations. Some relate primarily to selecting material, while other questions are geared toward avoiding unpleasant surprises that can occur when installing flooring.


What type of home do you live in?

It is important to ask this question before you begin your work. The type of residence you live in will dictate the proper work method to follow. For example, within a condo dwelling, you must follow the rules established by the declaration of co-ownership.

In a single family home, the sub-floor can influence your choice of floor covering. Older constructions often have their little quirks. Before installing your new floor, you need to inspect the state of your sub-floor and your selected room.


How many people live with you?

This is a simple calculation: the more people in your home, the more foot traffic your floors will experience. You should opt for a floor that is highly durable and very resistant.


Do you have children and / or pets?

You also need to think about the presence of children and pets. You might want to consider flooring options that are resistant to scratches and select hues that easily hide damage and imperfections.


How should you prepare your renovation zone?

You need to equalize the floor. Forgetting this step when laying floating linoleum could result in the creation of a lifting effect in the room and will generate cracking noises each time someone walks upon it. Eventually, your floor will be damaged and the work will have to be started again.

Several solutions exist for equalizing a floor. Speak to your local FlorDeco retailer to identify the best solution for you.

You must also ensure that the walls are level, if they are not, you will have to make adjustments before completing the installation of your floor


How should you acclimatize the material to the room being renovated?

A little tip regarding the installation of a floating floor: this type of material can be a little tricky in a room that has humidity. It is recommended that you place your boards in the designated room 48 to 72 hours before the installation is due to begin. The boards will have time to adjust to the ambient humidity. Don't forget to take the boards out of their box!  


If this type of installation is occurring in a basement, it will require the use of a vapour barrier that will counter the effects of humidity. You also need to look over your warranty as the floor isn't always covered when this type of membrane isn't used.

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